Rewild Nursery
Order online for local delivery, Local Delivery, Pop-up booth or shop, Order online pickup onsite, By appointment/limited hours
1826 NW 10th Street
(View on Map)
Gainesville, Florida 32609
Alachua County
By appointment only and pop-up shop retail nursery.
Will deliver orders within Gainesville.
Text, email, or message on Instagram at @rewild_nursery_gnv.
Order at
Please note: Plant inventories change frequently. Please call for availability.
Plant Name | Size | Other info | Sort Order |
Acer rubrum
(Red Maple)
_ |
300 |
Acer negundo
(Box Elder)
_ |
300 |
Rudbeckia hirta
(Black-eyed Susan)
_ |
300 |
Rudbeckia mollis
(Black-eyed Susan)
_ |
300 |
Salvia coccinea
(Tropical Red Sage, Red Sage)
_ |
300 |
Salvia lyrata
(Lyre-Leaved sage, Lyreleaf Sage)
_ |
300 |
Symphyotrichum elliottii
(Elliott's Aster)
_ |
300 |
Symphyotrichum dumosum
(Bushy aster)
_ |
300 |
Rudbeckia fulgida
(Blackeyed Susan, Orange Coneflower)
_ |
300 |
Melanthera nivea
(Cat's Tongue, Snow Squarestem, Salt and Pepper Bush)
_ |
300 |
Coreopsis lanceolata
(Lance-leaved Tickseed, Lanceleaf Coreopsis)
_ |
300 |
Liatris gracilis
(Blazing star)
_ |
300 |
Elephantopus elatus
(Tall Elephant's Foot)
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300 |
Quercus nigra
(Water Oak)
_ |
300 |
Ilex vomitoria
(Yaupon Holly)
_ |
300 |
Viburnum obovatum
(Walter's Viburnum)
_ |
300 |
Amorpha fruticosa
(False Indigo)
_ |
300 |
Mimosa strigillosa
(Sunshine Mimosa, Powderpuff)
_ |
300 |
Kosteletzkya pentacarpos
(Saltmarsh Mallow)
_ |
300 |
Tiedemannia filiformis
(Water Dropwort)
_ |
300 |
Monarda punctata
(Dotted Horsemint, Spotted Beebalm)
_ |
300 |
Canna flaccida
(Yellow Canna)
_ |
300 |
Clinopodium brownei
(Browne's Savory, St. John's Mint, Creeping Charlie)
_ |
300 |
Helianthus angustifolius
(Narrow-leaf Sunflower)
_ |
300 |
Conoclinium coelestinum
(Mist Flower, Ageratum)
_ |
300 |
Dyschoriste humistrata
(Twinflower, Small-flowered Twinflower)
_ |
300 |
Dyschoriste oblongifolia
_ |
300 |
Pityopsis graminifolia
(Golden Aster, Silkgrass)
_ |
300 |
Vernonia gigantea
(Giant Ironweed)
_ |
300 |
Scutellaria integrifolia
_ |
300 |
Adiantum capillus-veneris
(Venus' Hair Fern)
_ |
300 |
Thelypteris kunthii
(Wood Fern, Southern Shield Fern)
_ |
300 |
Verbesina virginica
(White Crownbeard, Frostweed, Winged Stem)
_ |
300 |
Saururus cernuus
(Lizard's Tail)
_ |
300 |
Coreopsis leavenworthii
(Tickseed, Coreopsis)
_ |
300 |
Asclepias incarnata
(Swamp Milkweed, Pink Milkweed, Rose Milkweed)
_ |
300 |
Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum
(Bird Pepper)
_ |
300 |
Quercus virginiana
(Southern Live Oak, Live Oak)
_ |
300 |
Trifolium reflexum
(buffalo clover)
_ |
300 |
Ipomopsis rubra
(Standing Cypress)
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300 |
Ruellia caroliniensis
(Wild Petunia)
_ |
300 |
Passiflora incarnata
(Passionflower, Maypop)
_ |
300 |
Chamaecrista fasciculata
(Partridge Pea)
_ |
300 |
Helianthus radula
(Rayless Sunflower, Manflower)
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300 |
Zamia integrifolia
_ |
300 |
Magnolia grandiflora
(Southern Magnolia)
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300 |
Chrysopsis mariana
_ |
300 |
Asclepias tuberosa
(Butterfly Milkweed)
_ |
300 |
Sorghastrum secundum
(Lopsided Indian Grass)
_ |
300 |
Celtis occidentalis
_ |
300 |
Passiflora suberosa
(Corky Stem Passionflower)
_ |
300 |
Campsis radicans
(Trumpet Creeper)
_ |
300 |
Piloblephis rigida
(Florida Pennyroyal)
_ |
300 |
Achillea millefolium
(Common Yarrow)
_ |
300 |
Liatris elegans
(Pink Gayfeather, Elegant Blazing Star)
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300 |
Phyla nodiflora
(Creeping Charlie, Frog fruit, Turkey tangle fogfruit, Capeweed, Fogfruit)
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300 |
Mitchella repens
_ |
300 |
Viola sororia
(Wooly Blue Violet)
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300 |
Teucrium canadense
(Wood Sage)
_ |
300 |
Erythrina herbacea
(Cherokee bean, Coral Bean)
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300 |
Polygonatum biflorum
_ |
300 |
Sorghastrum secundum
(Lopsided Indian Grass)
_ |
300 |
Tridens flavus
(Purple Top Grass)
_ |
300 |
Chasmanthium laxum
(Slender Woodoats)
_ |
300 |
Sisyrinchium angustifolium
(Blue-eyed grass, Blue Eyed Grass)
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300 |
Callirhoe papaver
(Poppy Mallow)
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300 |
Lonicera sempervirens
(Coral Honeysuckle)
_ |
300 |
Eragrostis spectabilis
(Purple Lovegrass)
_ |
300 |
Baptisia alba
(White Wild Indigo, False Indigo)
_ |
300 |
Vitis rotundifolia
(Muscadine Grape)
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300 |
Eryngium yuccifolium
(Button Snakeroot)
_ |
300 |
Gonolobus suberosus
(Angular fruit milkvine)
_ |
300 |